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Pastor Adeboye

RAIN is an international, independent, not for profit, charitable organisation registered both as a charity and company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. Although we are a faith-based organisation, we strive to support individuals, groups, communities and nations in need anywhere in the world regardless of their beliefs. We believe that whenever there is crisis and humanitarian situations, help must be available to those who are in need of the compassion that we are obliged to provide because of our common humanity. We are determined to provide relief and assistance to people who have suffered from natural disasters and conflicts anywhere in the world, particularly in Africa. We work with local partners anywhere we intervene because we believe that local people are better placed to help themselves out of crisis and poverty given a quick helping hand to lift them out of their humanitarian conditions. Where possible, we build capacity for emergency preparedness in areas prone to disasters and help communities to develop resilience to withstand and deal with challenging conditions. We hope you would be motivated to join us as we strive to help people, transforming lives.


Our vision is to see a world where people live up to their full potentials.



Our Mission inspired by Christian values is to:

  • Provide relief to people in crisis
  • Empower people and their communities to live with dignity
  • Support individuals, groups and communities to achieve and maximize their full potentials




  1. Provision of immediate relief and assistance to people affected by disasters:
  • provision of essential Non Food Items (NFIs) and information for the protection of Public Health
  • provision of Medical assistance in acute emergencies
  • increase access to food and livelihoods to people in humanitarian situations
  • increase people, groups and communities’ resilience to future disasters through effective preparedness initiatives.
  1. Increase access to basic education and skills for the most disadvantaged boys and girls.
  2. Develop innovative and sustainable enterprise initiatives to increase income generation and employment to poor and disadvantaged communities.
  3. Increase the capacity of faith and non-faith based organisations to support the delivery of effective essential services to their communities.



Building Alliances
Sharing Learning
Influencing Opinion/Advocacy
Equality and Diversity (Gender Sensitivity)
Accountability and Transparency